English for Medicine

Brain Facts

BRAIN FACTS: Chapter 14. Injury and Illness (pp. 66-72)

Target lexical corpus: 35 items (specialized words)
AWL = +40%
1 pain Physical suffering. relieve the pain He felt a sharp pain in his knee. dolor
2 fiber A thin, threadlike, or long cell or structure in the body that is combined in a bundle of tissue. fibra
3 injury Harm or damage that is done or sustained. lesión/daño
4 analgesics A substance that reduces pain. analgésico
5 genes A unit inside a cell which controls a particular quality in a living thing that has been passed on from its parents. genes
6 immune system The system in your body that produces substances to help it fight against infection and disease. sistema inmunológico
7 morphine A powerful drug that is made from opium and used to reduce pain. morfina
8 myelin A mixture of proteins and fats that surrounds many nerve cells, increasing the speed at which they send. mielina
9 numbness Incapability of feeling sensations, as if under the effects of anesthesia. entumecimiento
10 arthritis A disease that causes pain and swelling in one or more joints of the body. artritis
11 diagnosed That the cause or nature of a disorder, malfunction, problem, etc., has been ascertained from the symptoms. diagnosticado(a)
12 gliomas A type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine. glioma
13 MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging - a method of using a strong magnetic field to produce an image of the inside of a person's body. resonancia magnética
14 CT SCAN A medical examination that uses a computer to produce an image of the inside of sb's. tomografía computarizada
15 idiopathic With unknown pathogenesis or apparently spontaneous origin. idiopático
16 metastatic Resulting of the spread of disease-producing organisms or of cancer cells to other parts of the body. metastásico
17 painkillers A drug that reduces pain. analgésico
18 serotonin A chemical in the brain that affects how messages are sent from the brain to the body, and also affects how a person feels. serotonina
19 symptomatic Being a sign of an illness or a problem. sintomático
20 axons The long thin part of a nerve cell along which signals are sent to other cells. axón/neurita
21 chemotherapy The treatment of disease using chemicals that kill organisms that produce disease, or chemicals that destroy cancerous tissue. quimioterapia
22 cox Cyclooxygenase - enzyme that is responsible for formation of prostanoids, including thromboxane and prostaglandins. ciclooxigenasa
23 epidemiologists Expert dedicated to the scientific study of the spread and control of diseases. epidemiológo
24 inheritance The receiving of a genetic characteristic or trait. herencia
25 neurodegenerative disease Hereditary and sporadic condition which is characterized by progressive nervous system dysfunction. enfermedad neurodegenerativa
26 neuropathy Any diseased condition of the nervous system. neuropatía
27 placebo A substance that has no physical effects, given to patients who do not need medicine but think that they do, or used when testing new drugs. placebo
28 pump A machine that is used to forced liquid, gas or air into or out of sth. bomba
29 scars A mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed. cicatriz
30 scleroses Condition in which soft tissue in the body becomes hard, in a way that is not normal. esclerosis
31 shingles A disease that affects the nerves and produces a band of painful spots on the skin. herpes
32 sprains An injury to the ligaments around a joint. esguince/torcedura
33 swelling A place on your body that has become larger or rounder than normal as the result of an illness or injury. hinchazón/inflamación
34 thalamus The middle part of the brain, serving to transmit and bring together messages from the senses. tálamo
35 tremors An uncontrolled shaking of the body or limbs, as from disease, fear, or excitement. temblores