English for Medicine

Brain Facts

BRAIN FACTS: Chapter 11. Addiction (pp. 52-56)

Target lexical corpus: 38 items (specialized words)
AWL = +40%
1 reward Something given or received for services done, for doing something of merit, etc. a reward for good behavior You deserve a reward for being so helpful. premio
2 dopamine A chemical produced by nerve cells which has an effect on other cells. dopamina
3 withdrawal The act of moving or taking sth away or back. retiro
4 chronic Lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of. crónico
5 dose An amount of a medicine or a drug that is taken once, or regularly over a period of time. dosis
6 cannabinoid Any of the chemical compounds that are the active principles of marijuana. cannabinoide
7 despite in spite of. a pesar de
8 development The gradual growth of sth so that it becomes more advanced, stronger, etc. desarollo
9 endogenous Resulting from conditions within the organism rather than externally caused. endógeno
10 to relieve To remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain. aliviar/mitigar
11 nucleus accumbens Group of neurons that interfere in the reward, pleasure, laughing, fear and placebo effect systems. nucleo accumbens
12 to bind To tie something. amarrar/atar
13 bloodstream The blood flowing through the body. torrente o flujo sanguine
14 hallucinogenic A substance that produces hallucinations. alucinógeno
15 liver A large organ located in the upper abdomen, releasing bile and cleansing the blood. higado
16 relapse The fact of becoming sick again after making an improvement. recaída
17 released Sth that has been let come out of a place. liberado
18 adaptive Able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations. adaptables
19 adrenal glands Endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones including adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol. glándulas suprarrenales
20 allure The quality of being attractive and exciting. atracción
21 antibodies A substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease. anticuerpos
22 binges A short period of time when sb does too much of a particular activity. atracones
23 cirrhosis A chronic disease of the liver in which fibrous tissue replaces normal tissue.< cirrosis
24 cramps A sudden pain that you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body contract.< calambres
25 to curb To control or limit sth, especially sth bad. contener/dominar
26 to deter To discourage or restrain from acting or proceeding. disuadir/desalentar
27 flulike Having symptoms that resemble those of influenza. agripado
28 GBH (gamma hydroxy-butyrate) A naturally occurring neurotransmitter and psychoactive drug used illegally as an intoxicant to try to increase athletic performance, and as a date rape drug. gamma hidroxibutírico
29 ketamine A substance that is used as an anesthetic, and also as a drug that is taken illegally for pleasure. ketamina
30 glutamate One of the twenty amino acids used to construct proteins, in the nervous system it plays a neurotransmitter role. glutamato
31 impaired Damaged or not functioning normally. dañado
32 Peptides A chemical consisting of two or more amino acids joined together. peptido
33 to quit To stop, cease, or discontinue. dejar de
34 shallow Not deep. poco profundo
35 stamina The physical or mental strength that enables you to do sth. resistencia
36 transdermal A route of administration in which active ingredients are delivered across the skin for systemic distribution. transdermica
37 vaccines A substance that is put into the blood and that protects the body from a disease. vacuna
38 vein Any of the tubes that carry blood from all parts of the body towards the heart. vena